Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wondering in my wild

Hey y'all.
    I posted back in January that I was going to try and post often. HA! Needless to say, I haven't done what I said, but it hasn't been for a lack of effort. Why then, you ask. I could give an extraordinarily long compilation of excuses, but the simple, unsettling fact that I, Rebekah Renae Morgan, am an expert in procrastination!
     Being a "procrastinationalist".....(yes, tech dictionary / auto correct, I am aware you can't find that word, because I made it up, so quit highlighting it.  😝) is actually a mind exhausting journey. I genuinely want to maintain a constant, interesting, informative, life based blog, that has the calming and seamless flow of a wild and rushing river! Contradicting? Yes, that is the me that I have come to be. I love well planned and self - invoked writing.  I dream of seeing my posts "pinned" thousands of times, of reading my name being referred to as a "top blogger", of watching the page counter as the multitudes hang on my every word while pleading for my next post. I also have that giant fantasy of being on the NY BESTSELLERS LIST.  Dreams are great, aren't they? These are the dreams, I assume, of many writers. Quite honestly, I just love to write to release all the snakes in my head. I have found releasing all those snakes is necessary. If I don't release, then it isn't long before they start attacking one another. Personally, I find that there is no turmoil greater than the one that exists inside your own head.
On a lighter note.... There is a method to my madness. I have a building full of beautiful old pieces, waiting for just a few minutes of my time to transform them into gorgeous new treasures, for myself or some future owner to adore. Until we meet to all...from my southern vintage soul and me,  Rebekah.


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