Wednesday, December 30, 2015

La beauté Vintage.....The Vintage Beauty

     So I haven't had time to even keep my blog up, but with the New Year on the horizon, keeping my blog up to date is one of my many resolutions. I love to refinish vintage and antique furniture, and I have decided to simply share what I do and love with you all. I can remember in Engliish class, a teacher once  saying "when you are at a blank, just start writing". I am doing just that. Being the procrastinator that I am, I have avoided this blog simply because,  I haven't a clue as to how things really work with blogging. There you have it: The Blogger who doesn't truly know how to blog....another resolution: educate myself on how to be a great blogger.
     Getting back to the original topic of this post, I picked up a beautiful Armoir/Chiftrobe at one of the local flea markets a couple moths ago, with refinishing it for myself as the original reasoning for my purchase. The fact that I only paid $30 for it also played an enormous role in my self justification for purchasing this beauty. It needed a substantial amount of work, but I am in the process of giving it the love and attention that she deserves. Yes, I called my wardrobe a she. Why? After reading an older post about a wardrobe that was to be refinished over at perfectlyimperfectblog in which she gave her wardrobe a gender, I have decided that giving pieces a gender will definitely help me to stop my procrastinating and to get finished with the many projects that I have. I am going to take my love and dedication just a step farther though, by giving each piece a name along with a gender. I am hoping that personalizing each piece by categorizing it with a gender and an appropriate characteristically defined name will give me the added inspiration to finish the pieces that I start. I was hoping to put up a picture of my broken beauty in progress, but either my iPad or my isp is acting a tad crazy. I will keep trying to get pics up, because I really want to share this advennture and would love some feedback.....until then.....
Thanks for stopping by and please, come back soon!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Vintage Soul Indeed, but to complain she had no need...

     On March 12, 2015,  my dear, precious, little grandmother,  Mrs. Alma Lavern Holland,  happily and peacefully began her greatly anticipated journey  "HOME", to meet her JESUS. She was born, at home, in Sicily Island, LA., during March, 1930.  It is truly, by all possible definitionsastonishing, to comprehend the magnitude of changes, both evolutionary and revolutionary, that she witnessed and experienced throughout the eighty-five years that God graced this world with her presence. My grandmother's recollection of the changes in people, technology, and the world's ever changing state of mind/morality,  during her life, was intriguing and consuming to hear, as was her recollection of her childhood memories with her siblings. Many years ago, hearing her tell of the hardships that she endured made me realize exactly how much of a blessed and precious soul that she truly was and still is even now, in Heaven. She was the most beautiful, honest, loving, sincere, humble, gracious, grateful and real Christian soul that I have ever been privileged and blessed to have known,  in my entire life!! Though she was my grandma, I truly understand my Moma's and my aunt's  heart aching pain, because I, too, feel as if I have lost my mother. She showed me, and every other person, that she ever came into contact with, over the last 65+ yrs of doing all she could for God, exactly what it means to be a true Holy Ghost filled, Apostolic, Pentecostal, Jesus name, child of God. Her life was a living, dedicated testimonial, to Jesus and to His wonderful grace, love, power, and mercy. She didn't ever miss a moment to witness to anyone. She was loved, by everyone who knew her, and she loved everyone, despite their status or stage in life. She has touched more lives, as one of Jesus's workers/prayer warriors, than most of us could ever imagine. I have seen her God given talents change a person, from lost to saved, with simply a faithfilled, whole hearted prayer or a few God sent/chosen words. She has had visions, prophecies, and even talked to Jesus himself, when He chose to answer her prayer or question personally and directly.  She had, according to the Drs said they were 99% sure, lung cancer, which caused her lungs to periodically and repeatedly, fill with water, in turn causing her already tired heart to try and compensate for her lungs not getting enough necessary Oxygen throughout her body. After her last trip to the hospital gma, aunt Deb, and the Drs decided, since she couldn't handle surgery, much less a biopsy, in order to get a 100% positive diagnosis. Since surgery wasn't a plausible option, she requested that they send her home with only O2 (she was a firm believer in "do not recesitate"), medications to assist in keeping her as comfortable as humanly possible, and the hospice program to keep her comfortable with equipment and regular nurse visits that kept her vitals in check, and to allow her to pass at home, with her family, when the time came, which was her wish. Her last hours on earth were a display of Jesus's awesome power! She went over 9 hours without any meds and O2, from 830 pm, when she refused it ALL, until 530 or 6 am, when she agreed to put the O2 back on. There was no medical or scientific reasons she should have lived past a couple hours. She not only lived, Jesus brought her oxygen up to 99 and her heart up to 65 after three hours of no oxygen. HE WASNT JUST WITH HER THAT LAST NIGHT, HE WAS CARRYING HER. SHE STEADILY MOVED HER LIPS, AND THE ONLY CLEAR THING YOU COULD MAKE OUT WAS THE WORD "JESUS". I TRULY BELIEVE THAT SHE WASNT JUST PRAYING, SHE WAS TALKING AND SEEING JESUS!! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, then as most who read this, I might be sceptic too. At approx. 530 or 6 am, March 12, 2015, on a Thursday morning, she went to sleep and the nurse and my mother found her around noon, passed but still warm. She knew HE was cominh to take her home and HE mercifully and graciously gave her peace and comfort all night, until HE took her painless and peacefully in her sleep. Now whether Yall are believers or not, if that isn't a true witness to Gods awesome power.... then I don't know what is. She will always be loved and missed by all I'm sure, but knowing she is walking those streets wearing the biggest, prettiest set of wings, ever to have been given, is what gives me comfort and peace. It helps me to find happiness for her, because it's all she has lived for and strived for over the last 65+ yrs. Thank for taking the time to read this.... And a giant wink towards the sky to the most precious soul I have ever known.... Alma Lavern Holland, my gaurdian angel.... A vintage souls indeed.